Articles To Help Your Fitness Goals

We've scoured the internet and over countless articles to highlight the best of what we've found.  The intent is to bring relevant information that can provide value to your life today.  If you liked a particular article reach out and let us know. 

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How Fatherpreneurs Can Maintain a Happy and Successful Life

On both the fronts, business and parenthood, one has to be extra attentive as there are a lot of things which are going ground.

A Fatherpreneur is a man who is a dad and an entrepreneur and performs both the role with ease. Even if he is breaking underneath on the surface he must be cool, calm and collected. First of all you need to... (continue reading)

16 Traps Exercises for a Bigger, Better Back

Build monster back muscles with these 16 trap moves. To build up a bigger, stronger back, you're going to have to become a trap king.

Well-developed traps (aka the trapezius, or trapezoid muscles) can be the key to a well-developed, awe-inspiring back. The long, triangle-shaped muscle takes up a ton of real estate on the top half of your back, so you can seriously change the topography of your upper body by building it up. (Read More)

How Can A HIIT Help You Get Fit?

You like to work out (well, maybe like is a bit strong). At least you think you’re pretty knowledgeable of the current fitness trends. But while you’re out there cycling, boxing, running, and rowing, you’re hearing about how others are HIIT’ing it hard. So just what does this mean? And how can you join in on the action?

HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training. A hot fitness trend for some years now, the technique has so many proven benefits that you’ll likely want to … [continue reading]

The Link Between IBD and Anxiety

Chalk another one up to the mind-body connection. Researchers out of the University of Toronto have discovered that people who have inflammatory bowel disease — inflammatory conditions of the colon and small intestine– like Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis have twice the odds of having a generalized anxiety disorder at some point in their lives when compared to ... [Continue Reading]

3 Common Personal Growth Opportunities That Most People Utterly Fail to Address

These failings are woven into the fabric of every single choice we make and everything we say.

Which aspects of people's cognitive and operational performance and well-being in day-to-day life do you find people are most struggling with or are left unaddressed the most? originally appeared on Quora - the place to gain and share knowledge, empowering people to learn from others and … [Read More]

Research Says There Are 4 Personality Types. Knowing Yours Is the Key to Success

When you know what motivates you to set yourself up for reaching your biggest goals .

I crave blocks of unscheduled time, but I inevitably waste them when I get them. Without a deadline or a clear task, I squander this time with more list-making, planning, researching, and then sort of mindlessly "liking" pictures on Facebook and Instagram. By contrast, the days and weeks I feel (and actually am) more productive are the busy ones. But it's not just having more stuff on the to-do list that makes me get more done.[Continue Reading]

Kids, Go Fish: Wealth Vs Knowledge Inheritance

From Mark Zuckerberg to Jackie Chan todays right minded billionaires have different plans for their offspring, which makes these people true humanitarians as they set the following precedence.

There is a growing trend among billionaires to give away most of their wealth to charity, rather than their children. Jackie Chan is the latest to join the bandwagon, with Bill and Melinda Gates, Warren Buffet, Mark Zuckerberg, and others already starting this. [Continue Reading]

Squat 101: How to Know The Best Squat for Your Body

Where should your toes point? Should you be using a barbell? A kettlebell? All your burning squat questions, answered.

Here's a fun way to cause some controversy: Walk into a gym, and ask five people to do a squat.
Odds are, you’re going to see five variations of the move. From where to put your feet to where you hold your weight to what type of load you're squatting, there are … [Read More]

I Was Addicted to Running High. It Almost Cost Me.

Getting stoned out of my mind made me a monster marathon runner but not invincible.
It’s a blistering hot morning in downtown Denver, and I’m running as fast as I can. Harry Nilsson's “Jump Into the Fire” is playing at full volume on my headphones as I dodge traffic, turn cartwheels, and leap over park benches. I’m about to ... [Read More]

Discovery Of New Protein Linked To Breast Cancer

Researchers experimentally block the spread of a type of breast cancer.

Jean-François Côté, a researcher at the Montreal Clinical Research Institute (IRCM) and professor at Université de Montréal’s Faculty of Medicine, studies metastasis, the leading cause of cancer-related death. Recently, his team uncovered a protein that, once deactivated, could prevent the development of metastases in an aggressive type of cancer, HER2-positive breast cancer. [Continue Reading]

Sleeping Too Much May Be Bad for You

Fewer than six and more than ten hours of sleep per day are associated with metabolic syndrome and its individual components, according to a study published in the open access journal BMC Public Health that involved 133,608 Korean men and women aged 40-69 years.

Researchers at Seoul National University College of Medicine found that compared to individuals who slept six to seven hours per day… [Read More]

The Only Self-Care Strategy You'll Ever Need

There are some things you make time for no matter what. Sunday football with the guys. Your upcoming anniversary dinner.

But what about self-care? Forget the notion of bubble baths and booking massages: A self-care practice that complements your lifestyle can effectively help you get the most out of your day. That's because your mind and body are the center of everything you do (but you already know that, right?).... [Read More]

What's the Best Time of Day to Drink Coffee?

If you love caffeine, you may think there's never a wrong time for coffee, but a new study says there is a right time to get the most out of your daily cup.

Researchers from the United States Army developed an algorithm that makes personal recommendations for timing your caffeine consumption, so you can drink the least amount of coffee to achieve the maximum level of alertness, LiveScience reported....[Read More]

5 Health Habits These Successful Entrepreneurs Swear By

In your desire to find monetary or entrepreneurial success, it's easy to lose focus on your personal health. You'll have less time and different priorities than you did in your life before business, so scheduling a space for healthy habits can be intimidating.

However, if you want a better chance at long-term success, it's in your best interest to make your personal health a top commitment. Staying healthy can help you stay disciplined, improve your productivity and of course, keep you alive longer -- facts most successful entrepreneurs realize....[Read More]

How to Keep Up Your Healthy Routine While Traveling

When you’re at home, in your groove, it’s easy to stay on track: You hit the gym, down a protein shake, and whip up fresh home-cooked meals in your kitchen.

“There’s nothing like feeling good from being consistent with healthy eating and working out,” says Remi Ishizuka, a health coach and blogger who travels the world.

Problem is, when we leave our comfort zone and hit the road, it’s all too easy for healthy habits to fall to the wayside. Room service, dinky hotel gyms, and jet lag can leave you dragging — and skipping the things you love to do at home...[Read More]